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In a world filled with uncertainty, misinformation, and doubt, TiiQu and QuTii stand firm, forging a path towards a future built on trust, knowledge, and empowered individuals.
We refuse to wait, we refuse to doubt, and we refuse to quit. We are here to unite people and wisdom towards a sustainable future for all.

Represent a team of visionary individuals. They are sealing towards a new world where trut

We see a future where a truth-driven ecosystem of global citizens can take decisions based on widely spread, easily understandable and unbiased information



TiiQu was founded in 2016 with a blockchain solution focused on securing credentials and building trust. Recognizing that trust hinges on truth, we created QuTii - the library of truth. Our evolution from a Limited Company to a Community Interest Company reflects our commitment to empowering through trust and truth for all, with the non-profit QuTii Foundation on the horizon.

Provide an illustration where a wealthy man shouts lies on twitter, In the background a po

We fight 


Misinformation and fake news are big problems with serious impacts.

They can lead to bad decisions with big effects, weaken critical thinking, and hurt how well society sticks together. They also slow down progress and make it harder to find good solutions. Fighting misinformation is key for making good choices, keeping society strong, and letting real innovation grow.

Provide an illustration where a wealthy man shouts lies on twitter, In the background a po

​2023 Co-champion See Through Carbon Competition 

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SEUK -Social Enterprise certification


EU commission recognized DLT4GOOD

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2021 Winners Impact Shakers Award


Truth is complex and needs many perspectives to be understood fully. When diverse voices come together, we can create a shared truth that helps everyone grow and thrive. It's up to all of us to work together to share and access truth in new ways. Doing this helps us make better choices and work together for a better future.

we help disseminate and accessing

Give me a dramatic image of melting ice at Polo North and people interrogating about newsp
Provide an illustration of earth surrounded by multicoloured hands  united in circle to sy
Provide an illustration of earth surrounded by multicoloured hands  united in circle to sy

We enable


Trust comes from aligning factors to turn belief into solid knowledge. In our fast world, quick information can prioritize speed over reliability, leading to decisions based on beliefs. This rush can cause harm by relying on unverified info, damaging trust in relationships and actions. Manipulated data worsens this. To build trust, we need a culture that values reliable sources and checks information carefully.



Fidelity-First transformation of information
We conceive AI as the enabler of human-led reasoning, not the replacement

Accessible Open Knowledge

We envision a future where unbiased, real-time information is available to everyone for on-the-go learning.

Fair scoring system
We believe that equitable scoring levels the playing field for knowledge sharing, fostering critical thinking

TruthTech Tribe
We understand the power of small communities driving change. We cultivate an inclusive volunteering tribe leading by example for those eager to contribute to change.

Contact Us

1-2 Charterhouse Mews EC1M 6BB London (United Kingdom)  | 

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TIIQU  is a registered Community Interest Company  in England and Wales 10155328. 
QUTII is a TIIQU project registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee  without share capital  in England and Wales 14714464

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Copyright  2024 TiiQu C.I.C.. All rights reserved

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