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COP27 | We simply can't accept misinformation

Without the truth, we cannot make the decisions we need to enhance humanity, nor we can preserve our planet for future generations. Misinformation leads to mistrust and manipulates individuals' ability to take action or change. And this is where we make a stand. The Internet is our latest and most effective means of mass communication, and with its massive leaps in capability comes the overwhelming capability for generating and distributing false truths, we don't accept this for ourselves, that's not the legacy we will leave to our children.

Why do we need to take a stand for protecting the truth?

636 fossil fuel lobbyists are registered to attend Cop27.

the number is larger than any single national delegation except the United Arab Emirates, they report. How do we make sure that we digest information instead of misinformation? What kind of decisions can be taken if public opinion is manufactured to satisfy vested interests? What is the role that we want for ourselves and our children if not that of thinking citizens?

What has been done so far and what comes next

  • We designed the structure of #COP27 coverage for our #AngelsOfTruth You can explore it here

  • We are on a journey to enrol 50 Angels of Truth for 50 days and get around 2000 documents converted to understandable, comparable open Questions and Answers

  • We designed the structure of #COP27 coverage for our #AngelsOfTruth You can explore it here

  • We have published the first sections below:

  1. Adaptation Agenda here

  2. Climate change evidence here

  3. Innovative finance here

  4. Investment emissions here

  • Angels are now working to get Finance Day covered, keep an eye on the following pages:

  1. Elements of reform here

  2. Assessing and measuring risk and cost of capital here

  3. Debt sustainability here

  4. Insure against shock here

  5. The carbon credit scheme here

  6. Private philanthropy and aligning financial flows here

  7. Finance for climate action here

We aim to become the world’s leading symbol of trust, the source of environmental truth and knowledge, and a beacon for good in a dark and gloomy world . You can play your part and help draw a future that we can trust. Read and sign our manifesto here


Play Your Part

  1. Do you have 2 hours per day and want to play your part? Join the ANGEL OF TRUTH apply here

  2. You are a scientist a researcher a technologist, or a sustainability startup founder or you are savvy on environmental matters? keep in touch, we will soon open up to implement pages, your contribution will be crucial! Talk to the team here



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