At TiiQu, we recognize that the wide spreading of misinformation about the environment represents a risk to every global citizen's informed decision-making and equal participation in society.
The Green Truth Conference is a 3D highly interactive space to discuss and proffer holistic solutions to environmental challenges and promote environmental truth available to all.
- Date and time is TBDOnline Conference in 3D environmentThe Climate Change Day of the Green Truth Conference offers an interactive, 3D environment with live-streaming video keynotes, breakout sessions and the possibility to visit booths and have 1:1 conversations via text or video call with environment improvement stakeholders.
- Date and time is TBDOnline Conference in 3D environmentThe Clean Air Clean Water Day of the Green Truth Conference offers an interactive, 3D environment with live-streaming video keynotes, breakout sessions and the possibility to visit booths and have 1:1 conversations via text or video call with environment improvement stakeholders.

A highly interactive, 3D environment with live-streaming video keynotes, breakout sessions and the possibility to visit booths and have 1:1 conversations via text or video call with all partners and members is the best way to keep the conversation flowing across continents

Regardless if you are a learner or a decision-maker, cultivating a trusted and relevant network is crucial to innovate and grow in value. The Green Truth Conference brings together academy, innovators, investors and decision-makers who participate and contribute to disseminating reliable green information.

The Green Truth Conference is open to all, because its main aim is green truth dissemination. Keep in touch with us to discuss participation or partnership as
Investor in green innovation
Alliance -Agency - NGO
Reserve your free seat here
We are TiiQu. Our latest development is the non-profit project QuTii - the open library for verified truth that maps the available shared truth about the environment.
We invite researchers, learners, educators, and subject-matter experts to learn deeper, educate more, and explain better with the PDF2QA converter powering QuTii.
We organize the Green Truth Conference to enhance meaningful fact-based conversations and to spread green innovation.

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A Community Interest Company registered in U.K.- Co. n. 10155328 - Registered Office: 1-2 Charterhouse Mews, EC1M 6BB London (United Kingdom) - e-mail: contact@tiiqu.com